17 April 2011

Nurse with deadly golf ball-sized heart tumour saved after doctors fill it in with SUPERGLUE

This is the woman whose life has been saved in a world first case - by doctors filling her heart with Superglue.
When doctors discovered a rare tumour in Jamie Arliss’s heart they thought there was nothing that could be done to save her.
There is no-one alive in the world with such a tumour - and they thought the mother of one was doomed.
But then cardiologist Christopher Cave came up with a radical idea to save her.
He filled the golf-ball sized tumour in her heart with superglue - which amazingly has stopped the tumour growing and saved her life.
It is the only case of its kind ever performed in the world - and now her case is being recorded in medical journals around the world.

Read the Full Article Here

1 comment:

Jucad Golf Trolley said...

Golf balls were played and was considered a truer flight than smooth. Now, the golf ball swells were manufactured. Many styles have been tested until the type of dimples survived truer flight. Now the game of golf is a game of finesse. For now, he came round dimpled impressions, but recent studies have shown that the hexagonal impressions to raise more than round.