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21 October 2012

How McDonald's makes their fries: Video reveals secrets behind the popular potato chips at the fast food joint

Did you know that McDonald's World Famous Fries are made from whole potatoes harvested mainly from farms in New Brunswick, Alberta, and Manitoba? Watch and see exactly how our fries get made, from the farm to the fryer.

Je La La! Head Pieces

Are you ready to welcome Eid, The wedding season,Christmas, all the way to new years?

 Well, Je La La! made the perfect pieces to decorate your hair do, and compliment your beauty with our new head  pieces! made of gold plated silver, with different styles to match the occasions.

make your pick and make a big entrance!

 Je La La! authentic jewelry is a business created by Kuwaiti designer Lulwa Al-Terkait, to give you only the finest silver, Gold, and diamond jewelry pieces. whether it's funky, modern, classic, or cute!

Contacts :

Twitter: @jelalajewellery @LulwaAlterkait
Instagram: @lulwaalterkait
website: (coming soon)
call or whatsapp: 00965-97883866

PLTQ8 & The Kayys event at DarUsha Boutique

The lovely Nouf H. from PLTQ8 wearing an amazing piece by Razan Alazzouni

The amazingly beautiful The Kayys Collection 

Gorgeous NohaNoor & SNRjewels & WalkingCloset @ DarUsha Event